HFI using d-q coupled current or 45 degree injection
Dead time compensation and characterisation
100% modulation techniques
Field weakening and MTPA
Fast fault shutdown from three possible sources - BRK input (<1clock cycle MCU propogation), ADC Watchdog (optional, runs at PWM frequency by default and guards Out of range) and software comparison.
Operation up to 100kHz+ when running V0 only (HFI, encoder, logging disabled)
Operation up to ~70kHz PWM (140kHz V0V7 frequency) with F405 MCU, and some options disabled (e.g. SPI encoder). Operation to about 40kHz with F401 MCU and about 35kHz with F303. Stable to <2.5kHz PWM frequency, though this is definitely not advised for most applications.
Most hardware cannot cope with current measurements above about 60kHz, noise becomes prohibitive.
Easy porting to any STM32 with a floating point unit and timer1
Probably easily portable to any other MCU with FPU, 3 phase timer and a 1MHz+ ADC